by Tanya Thompson (prints are available for purchase)


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Monday, June 28, 2010

Spencer W. Kimball quote

"America's future depends on righteousness. This America is no ordinary country it is a choice land, "Choice above all other lands." (1 Nephi 2:20) It has a tragic and bloody past, but a glorious and peaceful future if its inhabitants really learn to serve their God. "

We are truly blessed to live in this land, may we all serve God each day. We serve God when we represent him in how we vote, how we treat others, and how we defend the freedoms we are blessed with. We serve God when we ensure that we remain one nation under God. There are individuals and organizations that fight daily to remove God from this country. Removing God from America will bring about devastation both financially, physically, and spiritually. We must refer to the scriptures and the times when the people turned from God. The scriptures remind us that a nation without God will never prosper.

Are we as a nation prospering today?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thought provoking quote of the day

"As long as I have any choice, I will stay only in a country where political liberty, toleration,
and equality of all citizens before the law are the rule."
-Albert Einstein
We are blessed to have the freedoms that we enjoy. However, freedom is not free. We must all do our part to ensure political liberty, toleration, and equality. This will enable us to continue to live in a country where we are free to worship as we please, and spread the gospel. We must not lose sight of the fact that is our purpose here on earth.
Make it a great day!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


This memorial day and everyday we would like to give thanks to troops everywhere. We are grateful for those who love this country enough to put their lives on the line to protect this great nation and its people. These men and women deserve our respect and our support. Our prayers are with them as they fight on foreign soil for freedom. May God be with you and protect you. Thank you from all of us at

It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. ~Author unknown

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree. ~Thomas Campbell

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lies of the local newspaper

We would like to voice our frustration over the ignorance and bias of our local newspapers. On Tuesday May 18th the Arizona Republic printed a story about the affects of the new illegal immigration law on the LDS church. First of all it frustrates us that this newspaper has chosen to use the church to push their agenda. This newspaper is very one sided and has chosen to try to sway members of the LDS church to their way of thinking by implying that missionary work will be negatively affected by this new law. I would like to inform the Arizona Republic that there is already a federal law that prohibits illegal immigration and this law has yet to affect negatively missionary work. The article talks about how a gentleman that was interested in the church and considering baptism decided against joining the church and refused to see the missionaries when he found out that the author of the 1070 law was a member of the LDS church. All we have to say to this gentleman, the Arizona Republic, and others who have chosen to turn from the church because of this law is that if your faith can be shaken by one man then you truly do not understand the gospel. First of all the Lord has informed his people to follow the law of the land and second the church is true, has always been, and always will be no matter what its members do or don't do.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome To Our Blog!

We wanted to start this blog to give all of us a platform to open up and talk about our views and opinions. There are many things going on in the world that we should all educate ourselves on. We are proud to wear the American flag, and stand up for America everywhere we go. America is changing and slowly but surely God and Jesus Christ are being removed. This country was founded on faith and cannot progress without it. Please join us in our quest in
Renewing faith in's more than a's a movement!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Good Thoughts!

A government big enough to give you everything you want.
Is strong enough to take everything away.

-Thomas Jefferson

And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God...
-Ether 2:9